Poetess and philosopher

Marta Toraldo

Marta Toraldo was born in 1991, in Maglie. Graduated from the Liceo Classico Virgilio with an experimental linguistic address, in 2015 she obtained a Master’s degree in Philosophical Sciences at the University of Salento.

On February 10, 2024 he obtained the 1st level Master’s degree in Philosophical Counseling and Existential Anthropology.

He has published studies, interventions and reflections deepening the themes of anthropology, philosophy, bioethics, and psychology.

Marta Toraldo

The Books of Marta

El Vacio

Marta Toraldo knows the Truth, and wants to share it with those who will read her verses: the power of creativity punctually turns to its annihilation, in order to be reborn again …

Fugitive routes

Is there a poem of youth? The discomfort we know moves faces. It takes away the words. And he who tries, beyond silence, is “holy”!

Solo voice by Marta Toraldo

I sing in a single voice

An important recognition for the poetic research of Marta Toraldo, her collection of verses “Canto a voce sola” – published by Spagine edizioni Fondo Verri, with the cover by Valentina D’Andrea – is a…


Remo Cantoni Essay By Marta Toraldo

Remo Cantoni

A work dedicated to a broad and panoramic revision of the fundamental relationship existing in the Cantonian theory between the new anthropologies of man and the crisis of philosophical thought.

Staying in absence

The article that we present here, proposed to the magazine “J Psychol Abnorm Child” of the editorial group OMICS International, USA, was published online in GoogleScholar in 2014.


Voglio capire l’importanza delle azioni, degli obbiettivi, delle capacità di andare avanti in cerca di una strada futura… Tutte le volte che mi dicono di lasciare perdere la mia curiosità divampava in uno spasmo

Da El Vacio, Lupo, 2012

In agguato tra un attimo e l’altro tra l’angoscia e il tempo resta un nome che tutti mettiamo al posto del nulla: speranza

Da Rebus, Spagine, 2015

Il cambiamento è una scossa non si può comandare

Da Rebus, Spagine, 2015

Senza radici crescono i diseredati privi di culto e di affezioni. Spettatori sciocchi e disonesti

Da Rebus, Spagine, 2015

La vita è fatta di scalini. Li percorri uno dopo l’altro. Domande di ricerca, di luce; rincorse, travagli, amori, incubi coscienti e incoscienti. La vita, sconosciuta al pensiero dell’attimo è l’insieme di tanti attimi uniti in un fine diretti verso un senso: la felicità

Da Rebus, Spagine, 2015



The new faces of adolescent distress

The new faces of adolescent distress

A widespread malaise and a momentary inability to overcome the developmental tasks of age seem to be the lifeblood of adolescents’ existential distress …

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