Fugitive routes

Introduction to “Vie fugitive”

Is there a poem of youth? The discomfort we know moves faces. It takes away the words. And he who tries, beyond silence, is “holy”! We loved teenage poets! In those tensions, still, despite the time, we recognize ourselves. In those questions. In that not knowing. In that abstraction of hope.

Martha’s verses are full of this “I don’t know”. Of the “but” that opens, unfolds and lightly attempts the possibility. Writing is trying to explain life, its becoming wrong. The contemporaneity with the shortcomings, the nostalgia, the small and big wounds. Poetry is pharmacon, c ura. Celebrate the words, find a sound for them, harmonize them with the breath. How many discoveries! Dry the meaning, make the meaning, wait for it in the folds of words. Unexpected in the suspensions, in the pauses, in the headings. Breath punctuation, refine the rhythm. File it as a fine dusting that discovers essentiality.
Here, poetry is an essential, sober song, a humble gift to the voice.

She is seventeen. Look and dream. Confuses lost and finds, continually finds whispers in fear of finding oneself. Marta shakes, does not want to be mute, shouts the scream, the scream that others dress, dress up, betray! The “peers”, with their raw skin. The “peers” who already show they know, navigated in the few years spent looking alike. How much fragility lost, inexorably lost. Not her, she makes riches of it, she makes words, verses. Attempts at harmony.

Mauro Marino

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